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アーティスト・イン・レジデンスin善光寺界隈 趣旨



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Nagano City, which flourished as the city around Zenkouji Temple, a national treasure, has seen in recent years empty storefronts here and there, even in the old neighborhoods. The Artist in Residence in the Grounds of Zenkouji Temple program has taken empty storefronts and empty homes near Nagano's Zenkouji and created a residence for artists in residence. The program invites artists from Japan and around the world to come and stay, and to create works locally. Our purpose from the start has been to bring new art and cultural life to Nagano through these activities, and to energize the town, focusing on Zenkouji.

In addition, and at the same time, we are trying to have these facilities be the base for transmission of artistic information from our local region to the world. Furthermore, we hope that by holding open studios and workshops with the visiting artists we can, together with the people of Nagano, grow the Nagano art scene. We hope to have exciting exchange activities with artists, aiming to have exchanges with similar facilities both within Japan and abroad. Anyone interested in the Artist in Residence in the Grounds of Zenkouji Temple program, please contact us.

The home that is now the programs residence is in the remains of the Maruyama Ironworks, which is said to have begun production after the Zenkouji earthquake of 1847. It closed in 2006, with approximately 150 years of history behind it. It is said that the Maruyama Ironworks focused on manufacture of traditional Shinshu blade crafts, such as sickles and hoes, and the tools used by nearby farmers were popular products. At one time they were blacksmiths located on a main street in the lively Sakuraechou area.

事務局:〒380-8544 長野市西長野6-ロ
信州大学教育学部芸術教育講座内 木村 仁
TEL/FAX 026-238-4144
vol.3 >> 2011年招聘作家:チェコ共和国から、Vojtěch Maša (1982~) (ヴォイチェフ・マーシャ)が滞在。作品制作を行い、2011年9月4日に、レジデンスハウスにてワークショップを行い、2011年9月6日〜11日に、ギャラリー花蔵にて個展が開催されました。
>> 記録
vol.2 >> 2010年招聘作家:イタリアから、michele tajariol (1985~) (ミケーレ・タヤリオール) が滞在。作品制作を行い、2010年8月17日、8月22日には彼のワークショップ、「タイムライン」/ time-line concept (PDF:459KB)がおこなわれました。

ミケレ・タヤリオル展「僕らの誰もいない部屋」8月23日〜8月30日 9時~18時 / 花蔵
 長野市東町147 花岡酒店裏 TEL:026-232-2324 / Michele Tajariol Web
workshop,exhibition photo / workshop,artist Interview movie

vol.1 >> 2009年招聘作家:チェコ共和国から、Karin Pisarikova (1982~)(カリン・ピサリコーヴァ)が滞在。作品制作を行い、2009年8月レジデンスハウスにてワークショップを行い、2009年9月10日〜15日に、ガレリア表参道にて個展を開催しました。
>> 記録(flash)

contact : mail : / phone : 090-8329-6751 (Hitoshi Kimura HP), 026-238-4144 (AIR Office)
The latast update : 26,August.2010 / © air-zenkouji, All Rights Reserved.